Vision Therapy For The Persistent Peripheral Perceptual Disorder
Serving Vaughan, North York, Mississauga, Brampton
What is PPPD?
Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness occurs when dizziness is caused by visual stimuli. It is sometimes called the Supermarket Syndrome or Visual Motion Sensitivity.
Often PPPD is left untreated and the person suffering does not have the benefit of a team of professionals to help them.
PPPD can result after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) but there are other causes and it is important that all potential causes are investigated. Here you need your physician, your physiotherapist and your chiropractor to look into the cause of the problem.
PPPD can be caused by a miscommunication of the central and peripheral pathways in the visual system.
Central Visual processing is what we consciously use for finding detail. An example of this is reading the
smallest line of letters on the eye chart. Unfortunately, this is sometimes the only part of vision that is assessed in a routine eye examination and you can be told that your eyes are fine.
The other part of your vision, however, is often un-noticed or subconscious. Peripheral processing travels through a different pathway in the brain. This part of our vision helps to keep us balanced and aware of where we are in space. It links with our systems of touch (proprioception), hearing and balance.
When our central processing becomes unlinked from our peripheral processing our vision can become very confusing.
These mixed messaged can cause a variety of symptoms.
Our practice receives referrals for Vision Therapy and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation, from ophthalmologists, primary care providers, pediatricians, optometrists, teachers, OT’s, PT’s, school nurses, neurologists, psychologists and others.
Visual Symptoms of a PPPD
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Difficulty walking in a straight line
- Difficulty when in visually stimulating environments like supermarkets or shopping malls
- Light sensitivity
- Double vision
- Problems driving
- Difficulties in understanding what you are reading
- Problems using the computer
- Hand-eye coordination problems
- Balance problems
- Avoiding crowds
Where can I find more information?
Our Website
NORA Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association
Canadian Optometrists in Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation COVT&R
Optometric Extension Program Foundation
College of Vision Development
Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists ACBO